SQL DATA BASE-Introduction
Hi All
Lets talh about data base and understand the glitchups of the databases terminologies:
Suppose you have a three registers each register is having 1500 pages and in and each register manual entry is being performed.So at any points if someone asks what please bring me the details from register a where peoples are spending more than 1000rs in a day and their age is above 40 and their profession is Postgraduate.
So for finding about these data if we will go on turning pages it will be taking a lot of time so then our engineers develop an idea or say a program(what program is will be defined in another chapter) or a set of instructions which we will be performing this task for us and in couple of seconds.
As that proram used to fetch the information in a structured (As there were columns and rows on each page) pattern so we called it as "Structured Query Language".
So lets Welcome SQL👶👶
So Now this SQL is having certain set of commands like it can change or delete or update or insert or can create from a scratch.
SO basically in computer science we have defined the above task as
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